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I've had a much longer play-through on Demon Strike this morning, Adam. It's really great work. I had so many nostalgic memories of the local chip shop and blasting away through the conveyor belt on the mother ship on their Vanguard (or was it Phoenix) arcade cabinet.

Sound design very good, btw. I recently got a decent set of speakers with sub-woofer and the intro sounds were buzzing back and forth between the speakers and really freaking out the cat.

Jack says thanks for that :-)

Brilliant - Looks like I've cracked the 2d and audio. Give Jack a big hug ;)

Great version!

Thanks dude - it means a lot :)

Any plans for a Windows version?

Yep. That is the next task. stay tuned...

Windows 11 version has now been added ;)

Awesome! Thank you. :)

Brilliant. Well done, Adam.

Thanks Mr Xerra ;)

Fantastic. 👌🏼

Thank you for that. Let me know if you find any bugs ;)

Nice work, very authentic;)

Thanks I tried to go back to the core game loop first :)